Finding a way out of the Wilderness in the 21st Century

Monday, January 12, 2004

Wow. I for one thought Zell Miller was a Republican, Ralph Hall was really Republican, and Lincoln Chafee was a Democrat.

Nope. Apparently Zell Miller is very, very Republican (voted with Republicans on contested votes 91.5% of the time), and compared to him, Ralph Hall is a Ben and Jerry's-eating, perverted arts-supporting, recumbant bicycle-riding liberal (with due credit to the Club for Growth), since he voted with the Democrats 49% of the time.

Lincoln Chafee, for how much the conservatives loathe him, jumps ship only 28% of the time to support the Democratic position. Yeesh. I'm sure we have plenty of 28 percenters in our caucus (Breaux, B. Nelson, Landrieu..)


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