Finding a way out of the Wilderness in the 21st Century

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

A NATO-led peacekeeping force operates in the capital, Kabul, but has not yet been expanded throughout the country, where warlords hold sway and Taliban and al-Qaida militants launch frequent attacks. - AP, November 18th, 2003.

This is abominable. In the upcoming campaign, you're going to hear Bush make his case for reelection based on the war on terrorism.

Even as we have 150,000 people in Iraq, we can't spare the manpower to secure anywhere outside of Kabul, even though Al-Qaida is the direct threat to us, and the Taliban must be crushed to make ourselves safe. A prosperous, secured Afghanistan is the key to our safety. And heck, in Afghanistan, they actually viewed us as liberators.

So I have to ask the President, why are you endangering us all with your ignore-Afghanistan policy?


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