So the Taxpayer's League of Minnesota's up to their billboard antics once again. In recent weeks I've noticed a ton of billboards that try and claim Minnesota's quality of life is not a consequence of our public services and investment. They say nebulous, feel-good buzzwords like "Community," "Hard Work," and "Friends" are the source of Minnesota's quality of life.
Gee, so I guess elsewhere, they don't work hard or have friends. The reason our child mortality statistics are low is community. Alabama isn't dead last in test scores because they perennially underfund their schools, it's because Alabamans don't work hard. Remember that next budget cycle when they cut Minncare funding.
It's such a joke. The "Taxpayer's League" doesn't represent Minnesota taxpayers, they represent a bunch of super rich whiners who think they have earned the right to opt out of paying for the Minnesota that treated them so well. Minnesota historically invested in the education of the young people, invested in the environment and parks, invested in infrastructure, and those investments are what made Minnesota such a nice place to live in.
These people want to turn our state into another Mississippi, or another Alabama. Governor Pawlenty, the Minnesota House, all of 'em, they're in cahoots. You want a vibrant, liveable Minnesota? Turn the bastards out.
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