Finding a way out of the Wilderness in the 21st Century

Friday, September 26, 2003

Call me a contrarian, but I like the French. I like their attitudes, their lifestyle, and their politics.

The whole "deck of cards" thing has been taken to its logical conclusion by the French. George Bush is featured as the King of Diamonds, which a caption that reads (in French) "Head of a baseball club and director of Salem bin Laden's oil company (brother of Osama). Designated President of the US by his dad's friends on the Supreme Court before the vote count showed he'd lost." No foolin', eh?

When I went to France, everywhere they asked, "how could you have elected Bush?" Thankfully, I'm not a Bush fan, so the questioning didn't bother me. But then again, I doubt the hardcore Republicans would enjoy a trip to France, anyhow.


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