A strange fact about the America-hating Democratic politicians is that they tend to be much more likely to have served in combat, and those who received distinctions for serving in combat (Medals of Honor, Silver Stars, etc.) tend to be the most vocally anti-war. Examples: Sen. John Kerry (Silver and Bronze Star, D-MA), Sen. Daniel Inouye (Medal of Honor, D-HI), Fmr. Sen. Max Cleland (D-GA, Silver and Bronze Star, triple amputee), Fmr. Sen. George McGovern (D-SD, Distinguished Flying Cross for bomber missions in WW2), Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-SC, Bronze Star), Fmr. Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE, Medal of Honor) and many others.
Why does this matter? Because of the disgusting, contemptible rhetoric of the Republicans. One of the most egregious examples of Republican treachery and slime was the 2002 Georgia Senate race. Senator Max Cleland, a moderate Democrat who served in Vietnam, losing three limbs at the battle of Khe Sahn, was running for reelection against Rep. Saxby Chambliss, who sat the war out because of a "bad knee."
Max Cleland is up on his security issues. He was an original author and sponsor of legislation to create a Department of Homeland Security, long before Bush embraced the idea. In fact, President Bush held out as long as he could to avoid creating a new cabinet-level department, but flip-flopped after learning the polling numbers and political mileage he could get out of it.
Once passage of the bill was assured, Bush tacked on anti-union provisions that vastly changed the contracts under which hundreds of thousands of federal employees work, making it easier to fire and dismiss career employees. Bush did this as a cynical political ploy to force Democratic congresspeople to either vote against their core supporters, or appear to oppose Homeland Security efforts.
Max Cleland, an original author of the Homeland Security bill, balked at the anti-worker legislation tacked onto his bill, so he and the rest of the Senate Democrats held it up while trying to remove the Bush union-busting provisions.
What happened back in the Georgia campaign in the summer of 2002? Republicans ran ads claiming Cleland "lacked the courage to lead" while running a montage of Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and Cleland together. Cleland lost his seat in an election day shocker that also saw Georgia's Governor's mansion change hands over the issue of the Confederate flag. Articles describe the Republican candidate talking about the flag with angry whites at every campaign stop throughout rural counties.
In any case, Max Cleland just wrote a concise, coherent critique of the Bush administration's mishandling of the Iraq war and of the public's trust. Kids are dying over there every day, but hey, the Republicans did pick up some nice Senate seats following the vote on the war resolution.
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